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We specialize in providing hands-on learning experiences to young people interested in learning about construction, leadership development, financial literacy, homeownership, and more. Whether you are looking for a fun and meaningful community service experience or an educational service learning opportunity we will work with you to customize the event.

Youth Rebuilding New Orleans’ Reforming Employment Build Program, or REbuild Program, provides young people access to construction based jobs, while also providing training in job-readiness, financial literacy, and leadership. Through the REbuild program, participants also learn life skills, social justice awareness, and mental health safety.
The program provides voluntary, part-time training opportunities for interested youth aged 16-21. Apprenticeships are 3-month, part-time opportunities for youth interested in entering the workforce and pursuing a career in construction.
Participating youth interact with volunteers from around the country while rebuilding homes for their New Orleans community, gaining exposure to a diverse array of people and trade skills. This collaborative approach contributes to job readiness and essential life skills.
Youth Rebuilding New Orleans also offers 5-week cohort-style internships over the summer. We accept all manner of youth: whether they be directly from New Orleans, or from other cities/states.
For an application for this summer’s cohort, please call 504-264-3344 or click below to email us!


Youth Rebuilding New Orleans provides home repair assistance to local homeowners in need. YRNO is able to provide supervised volunteer help for non-skilled projects including painting, landscaping, demolition, etc.
Our team can NOT do roofing, plumbing, electrical, pest control, A/C, or anything that would need a subcontractor (home leveling, complete renovations, etc).
While YRNO is unable to provide free services for homeowners, the costs will be significantly reduced compared to traditional repairs. Homeowners will be responsible for purchasing materials as well as reimbursing for staff costs.
If you are interested in this kind of assistance, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page, and someone from our staff will be in touch!

Homeowner Resources
Youth Rebuilding New Orleans was established by high school students in response to Hurricane Katrina. Those dedicated high schoolers’ efforts after the storm led to YRNO becoming an established nonprofit organization in 2007.
Since then, YRNO has provided staff and volunteer response for homeowners across the region when disasters hit.
Unfortunately, Louisiana and surrounding gulf states have been hit by natural disasters many times since YRNO’s establishment, so we have grown experienced responding to disasters including:

Neighborhood Revitalization Tours
Learn about the systems that protect New Orleans from flooding and the disparities that exist across the city:
We will visit the Lower Ninth Ward, a neighborhood that has not yet fully recovered from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, and learn about why disaster recovery and development looks different across the city.
See examples of the “grey” infrastructure, levees, and pumping systems that keep water out of New Orleans, and green infrastructure strategies that will create a more sustainable future. Tour will conclude at Crescent park, overlooking the skyline.
Note: Tour groups must use their own vehicle

Disaster Response Services
Youth Rebuilding New Orleans was established by high school students in response to Hurricane Katrina. Those dedicated high schoolers’ efforts after the storm led to YRNO becoming an established nonprofit organization in 2007.
Since then, YRNO has provided staff and volunteer response for homeowners across the region when disasters hit.
Unfortunately, Louisiana and surrounding gulf states have been hit by natural disasters many times since YRNO’s establishment, so we have grown experienced responding to disasters including:
• Debris removal
• Gutting
• Demolition
• General cleanup
If you or someone you know is in need of help, give us a call at 504-264-3344 and fill out the Disaster Relief form to schedule a site visit and evaluation.